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Ministry of Health-Approved Facility Certifying Body (MOH-AFCB) is a company with independent facility certifiers approved by the Ministry of Health (MOH). The certifiers are assessed to have the necessary experience and are credible to certify biocontainment facilities (e.g. high containment facility, maximum containment facility, BSL2 facility and biomanufacturing facility) using the relevant reference materials.
MOH-AFCB must have a minimum of 2 members and shall comprise of at least 1 lead biorisk management professional and 1 lead engineer, wherein:
Lead Biorisk Management Professional is a person having expertise in microbiology, biosafety, biosecurity, general laboratory safety, laboratory practices and knowledge in relevant local legislations, and is familiar with the relevant biocontainment standards. and
Lead Engineer is a person who is training or professionally engaged in a branch of engineering (e.g. mechanical, civil, electrical, chemical, industrial, etc), has knowledge in the principles of biocontainment, expertise and technical experience in biocontainment engineering (e.g. facility and biocontainment equipment) and is familiar with the relevant local legislation and biocontainment standards.
The MOH-AFCB and the members of the certification team (AFCs) shall have experience in certifying and/or commissioning the type/level of biocontainment facilities that they are providing services to. and are required to be accredited under the Singapore Accreditation Council's (SAC's) Accreditation Scheme for Bio-Risk Management Audits (in accordance with CT 17 SAC Criteria for Accreditation of Auditing Organisations). Existing non-MOH-AFCB and MOH-AFCs who have yet to be accredited under the above scheme, will have to do so before 31 December 2025.
Application procedure
Applicants interested to apply as MOH-AFCB and MOH-AFC may apply online via the Biosafety E-services portal with all the relevant documents to the Ministry of Health.
The following documents are to be attached to the application for MOH-AFCB and MOH-AFC.
Facility certifying body (the company/organisation)
Indicate the level of biocontainment certification services to be provided.
Background and history.
Experience in certifying and/or commissioning of any biocontainment facilities.
Internal standard operating procedure detailing methods to ascertain that the biocontainment facility under certification has the necessary engineering and administrative control, biorisk management system that meet the requirements specified in the MOH facility certification checklist and/or the relevant biosafety or biorisk management standards, to ensure that the facility can be operated safely and securely.
Singapore Accreditation Council (SAC)’s accreditation certificate for Bio-Risk Management Audits with date of validity.
SAC’s latest Schedule of Accreditation for Bio-Risk Management Audits.
Facility certifier
Indicate the level of biocontainment certification services to be provided.
Curriculum vitae of the team members.
Academic and professional certificates of the team members,
At least three (3) testimonials from previous clients stating that the individual applicant (the biorisk management professional as well as the engineer) had certified the biocontainment facility (the containment level shall be equivalent or higher than the containment level of facility that the applicant applies to provide services),
SAC’s accreditation certificate for Bio-Risk Management Audits with date of validity.
SAC’s latest Schedule of Accreditation for Bio-Risk Management Audits
Submit your application via the HALP-Biosafety portal.
Currently, the Ministry of Health does not charge any fees for the application as MOH-AFCB or MOH-AFC.
Processing time
The processing time for an application as MOH-AFCB and MOH-AFC will depend on the completeness and accuracy of the data in the application form and supporting documents submitted which is necessary in the processing of the application.
Validity of MOH-Approved Facility Certifying Body and Certifier (MOH-AFCB and MOH-AFC)
The validity of registration as an MOH-AFCB and MOH-AFC is up to 5 years depending upon the discretion of MOH and is subject to renewal.
MOH has the right to revoke the approval if the MOH-AFCB and/or MOH-AFC refuses to accept new requirements or fails to comply with the requirements given by the MOH.
MOH laboratory certification checklist
View the MOH Laboratory Certification Checklist [DOCX. 201KB].
MOH-Approved Facility Certifying Body and Certifier (MOH-AFCB and MOH-AFC)
The facility certifying bodies and certifiers included in this list are approved by the Ministry of Health to have the necessary experience and are credible in certifying biocontainment facilities.
View the List of MOH-Approved Facility Certifying Body and Certifier (MOH-AFCB and MOH-AFC).
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