Local transportation of biological agents and toxins
1. Scope
The Biological Agents and Toxins Act (BATA) prohibits the transportation of all scheduled biological agents or toxins including inactivated biological agents, by mail or public transportation.
In addition, the Biological Agents and Toxins Act (Transportation) Regulations [PDF, 110 KB] stipulates additional requirements for packaging that apply to the transportation in Singapore of:
Any First Schedule biological agent.
Any Second Schedule biological agent.
Any Third Schedule biological agent in quantities aggregating 10 litres or more carried on any conveyance at any one time.
Any Fifth Schedule toxin.
The additional requirements pertain to the packaging of the biological agent or toxin, the carrier (or driver) transporting the biological agent or toxin, and the vehicle used for transporting the biological agent or toxin.
Refer to the Biological Agents and Toxins Act (Transportation) Regulations [PDF, 110 KB] or the FAQ page for more information.
2. Requirements
Requirements for the local transport of biological agents and toxins as stipulated in the Biological Agents and Toxins Act (Transportation) Regulations are the following:
A. Carrier requirements
undergone the relevant training conducted by the Singapore Civil Defence Force; and
has been issued with a Hazardous Materials Transport Driver Permit by the Singapore Civil Defence Force
fulfilled the requirements stipulated in Section 47 of the Biological Agents and Toxins Act, such as
no unreasonable delays in the transportation of any biological agent or toxin;
the driver is trained in the management of accidents involving biohazardous material or other relevant training; and
all necessary steps are taken to ensure the security of the biological agent or toxin in the course of the transportation
B. Vehicle requirements
The conveyance used to transport the biological agent or toxin on any public road is labelled with the biohazard label specified as follows:
Vehicles used to transport biological agents should use the biohazard sign for biological agents
Vehicles used to transport toxins should use the biohazard sign for toxins
Vehicles used to transport a biological agent and a toxin should use both biohazard sign for biological agent and toxin
A vehicle with a maximum laden weight exceeding 3.5 metric tons, should be labelled with the required biohazard label (measuring 25 X 25 cms) on all 4 sides
A vehicle with a maximum laden weight of not exceeding 3.5 metric tons, the vehicle shall be labelled with the required biohazard label (measuring 11 X 11 cms) on its front and back

Biohazard sign for biological agents

Hazard sign for toxins
3. Packaging requirements
A. Packaging of biological agents
The biological agent must be placed in a primary receptacle
which must be in an upright position at all time
should be watertight and leak-proof
wrapped in absorbent material of sufficient quantity to -
prevent breakage of the primary receptacle;
absorb all fluids that may emanate from the biological agent in the event of a breakage
If there are more than 1 primary receptacles placed in one secondary receptacle
each primary receptacle must be individually wrapped or otherwise separated from the other primary receptacles; and
the biological agents packed in the secondary receptacle are all intended for the same facility
The primary receptacle must be placed inside a secondary receptacle which should be
watertight; and
packed inside a rigid outer container
B. Packaging of toxins
The toxin must be contained in a package which at all times and be transported in an upright position.
The package shall be -
Watertight and leak-proof (if the contents are in liquid form)
Sufficiently strong to withstand any impact which the package would normally be subjected to during the transportation, loading or unloading.
International transportation
International Transportation of biological agents and toxins are regulated by the International Air Transport Association (IATA). The IATA have published the 'Dangerous Goods regulations' which is a manual based on the International Civil Aviation Organization Technical Instructions to provide procedures by which hazardous articles or substances can be safely transported on air.
View the IATA Guidance Document.